Changing Lives: One Scholar at a Time

We believe in the power of individual stories to illustrate our program's impact. Here are a few success stories that showcase the transformative journey of some of our first-generation students.


“The day I received the phone call from Mrs. Mahoney that I was selected as a scholar for the FSSP program, my life changed. Little did I know that this scholarship was going to mean so much to me than just financial assistance while embarking on a new 4 year academic journey.

Ever since I started college up until today 9 years later; this scholarship, Mrs. Mahoney continue to be my guiding light as I walk through the many different phases in my life personally and professionally. The scholarships offered me many resources which I would have not received had I not been accepted as a scholar. From opportunities to work and learn from board members to internships offers, continuing degree and professional development courses, the amount of support I have received from this program has gone beyond what I first imagined it to be.

I am thankful that the program offered me a community where I have people whom I can lean on and people who truly care about my life in all ways and are always rooting for my success.”

Clinical Research Associate, Parexel
M.S. in Translation Medicine/City College of New York, 2021
B.A in Biology, French and Francophone Studies, Vassar College, 2018

“The Fred Schaufeld Scholarship Program has been life-changing for me. It has given me invaluable mentorship and opportunities that have helped me succeed in ways I never thought possible. As a first-generation student, navigating the college experience can be daunting and challenging. But with the help of this program and Mrs. Mahoney, I have discovered the value of tenacity, initiative, and belonging. The program provided the tools and resources I needed to overcome obstacles, thrive, and grow as a person. I am grateful for the support of this program and the neverending generosity of Fred and Karen Schaufeld. It has been a transformative experience, enabling me to follow my ambitions and never feel limited.”

Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, 2023.

“What does it mean to be a part of the Fred Schaufeld Scholarship Program (FSSP) - the answer is simple. It means being a part of a family who will unconditionally support you at your highest and will always be there to lean on when you are at your lowest.

I never imagined that upon receiving the scholarship, in 2015, I would receive a call from my future school, American University, that would leave me in tears because I could not afford attending the university. I didn’t know anyone who attended college, and my first call was to Mrs. Mahoney. At the time, the little she knew about me, came from my interviews. Despite that, she advocated on my behalf to see what could be done with my predicament.

With every road leading to the same answer, I began to say goodbye to the idea that I would be attending American University and began to look into other options because I wanted to go to college. Upon deciding that I would attend a local university, I received a call and was asked, “Do you want to attend American University?”. My answer was an astounding YES, but I didn’t understand why the question was being asked; that door was as good as closed in my eyes. It was then that Mrs. Mahoney delivered the news to me that the founder of FSSP, Fred Schaufeld, decided to take a chance on me - a 17-year-old first-generation immigrant who came from a low-income background and minority-majority school, all the statistics were against me succeeding at a University. But all of the statistics didn’t matter to Mr. Schaufeld, he believed in me, and having attended American University’s Law School, he knew what kind of experience I would be missing out on if I did not attend.

FSSP provided me with the financial assistance I needed to attend American University. During the conversation, I was told: “you’re a star, and we won’t let money be the reason to stop your shine.” Looking back, that is one of my most painful but joyful memories. When I was at my lowest, the program provided me with an opportunity that altered my life. I attended American University (AU) and graduated early in 2018 with over a 3.5 GPA, a degree in Law & Society with a minor in Spanish, and a Certificate of Translation.

Fast forward to May 2022, I became a part of the 2% of Lawtinas and I work at the top immigration firm. None of this would have been possible without FSSP’s decision to invest in me and my success. Anyone who becomes an FSSP scholar is welcome with open arms to a community that will show up for them in whatever way they need, and that distinguishes us from other programs. We are a family.”

B.A, Law & Society, American University, 2018
Juris Doctorate, CUNY School of Law, 2022